Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jonah's words story

So, Jonah has an "I can read it box". Every day he reads the words in this box, and then we add one or two more. He has been doing so well! Well, I decided that it would be fun for him to have his own book of words that he can read, so I wrote a story for him. He is going to illustrate it himself. I just thought I would post the story. It is not fabulous by any means, but it includes all the words that he can read. I have bolded all of the words that he can read.

Once upon a time, there were some Super Hero’s. They were Spiderman, Superman, Underdog, Batman, Optomis Prime and the Ottobots, and the Ninja Turtles. They all were preparing to work together because a great war was coming.

The evil Thomas, Doctor Octopus a mummy and one hundred bears were starting an army and were going to take over the worlds population of chipmunks and Doggies.

One day, the chipmunks and Doggies were playing at the park. They were having so much fun on the playground when suddenly a cloud of dust overtook them.

Back at the Super Hero headquarters the Super Hero’s were all eating pizza and pop when the Transformers got a warning. Optomis Prime told the other Super Hero’s “I feel there is trouble at the park” All the Super Hero’s jumped into their Hot wheels and fire trucks and flew to the park.

They arrived just in the neck of time. They saw the cloud of dust overcoming the chipmunks and Doggies. The war had begun.

But the evil army was no match for the Super Hero’s. The Super Hero’s quickly overtook the evil army and saved the chipmunks and Doggies from the cloud.

The End

1 comment:

kstrack said...

That is so cute! and what a great way to add in all those little words he doesn't like! hehe